SB NEWSLIN @ ALLBBS $NLIN.981 Amateur Radio Newsline #981 03 Jun 1996 The Newsline Information and Copyright Notice is now published seperately every month. Please read this notice before using any part of Newsline in any manner. For a copy of the notice e-mail or netmail Steve Coletti @ 1:278/230 on Fidonet. Due to time constraints, we were not able to reformat the margins. Also the updated Monthly Newsline Information posting has been delayed while we upgrade here. -Steve - - - - - [ Sorry for the delay. Was out of town helping my parents move. Got the script done as soon as possible. 73 Dale, WD0AKO ] NEWSLINE RADIO - CBBS EDITION #981 - 06/03/96 (*************************************************) (* *) (* A M A T E U R *) (* *) (* R A D I O *) (* *) (* N E W S L I N E *) (* *) (*************************************************) The following is late news about Amateur Radio for Radio Amateurs as prepared from NEWSLINE RADIO scripts by the staff of the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE, INC., formerly the WESTLINK RADIO NETWORK. Amateur Radio Newsline is a audio news service distributed via telephone. This hardcopy version is produced by Dale Cary - WD0AKO from scripts provided to him weekly by Newsline. It is then distributed to on-line services, bbs networks and internet user jointly by Dale Cary and Steve Coletti. Editorial comments, news item and all other business should be directed to: Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF Newsline Producer & Editor Internet E-mail: MCI E-mail: WESTRADIO Phone: (805) 296-7180 Fax: (805) 296-7180 (Fax senders wait for voice prompt.) Hardcopy comments or complements can be directed to: Dale Cary, WD0AKO Hardcopy Distribution for Newsline Internet E-mail: Phone: (218) 236-6324 The audio version of Newsline can be recorded from one of the currently operating lines listed below. This list is kept as accurate as possible. If any changes are not listed, please contact Dale Cary, WD0AKO at the above listed addresses. Audio Version of Newsline ========================= Los Angeles........................ (213) 462-0008 Los Angeles (Instant Update Line).. (805) 296-2407 Seattle............................ (206) 368-3969 Seattle............................ (206) 281-8455 Tacoma............................. (206) 927-7373 Louisville......................... 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This line answers automatically and will accept up to 30 minutes of material. Check with your local amateur radio club to see if NEWSLINE can be heard weekly on the air in your area. Articles may be reproduced if printed in their entirety and credit is given to AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE as being the source. For further information about the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE, please write to us with an S.A.S.E. at: NEWSLINE c/o Andy Jarema-N6TCQ P.O.Box 660937 Arcadia, CA 91066 Thank You, NEWSLINE (************************************************** Some of the hams of AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE: WA6ITF WB6MQV WB6FDF K6DUE W6RCL N6AHU N6AWE N6TCQ K6PGX N6PNY KU8R N8DTN W9JUV KC9RP K9XI KB4KCH KC5UD KC0HF G8AUU WD0AKO DJ0QN and many others in the United States and around the globe!!! (************************************************** [981] The following advisory is not necessarily for transmission over amateur radio. This is just a reminder that the address for the Newsline Support Fund is: Newsline c/o Andy Jarema-N6TCQ P.O.Box 660937 Arcadia, California 91066 Again, and as always, we thank you. This ends the closed circuit with Newsline report number 981 for release on Friday, May 31st 1996 to follow. (***** The following is a QST The Low Earth Orbiting satellite industry has declared war on ham radio. It says that it intends to take 2 meters and 70 centimeters away from ham radio. Will this lead to an inter service war? Also, a teenage ham is arrested in Kentucky for carrying a Radio Shack 2 meter hand held and a Florida CB is arrested for allegedly cursing on the air. These stories and more on Newsline report number 981 coming your way right now: (***** LEO DECLARES WAR ON HAM RADIO The Low Earth Orbiting Satellite industry has targeted all of two meters and 70 centimeters for take over. This, if it can convince delegates to the 1997 World Radiocommunications Conference to make such a reallocation. The issue surfaced on May 7 at a WRC prepatory meeting. There, an industry representative proposed a list of candidate bands for expansion of the Low Earth Orbiting satellites service. The list includes the entire 144 to 148 and 420 to 450 MHZ Amateur Radio allocations. Sources tell Newsline that on learning of the reallocation demand, the American Radio Relay League approached the satellite industry to suggest that it back away. Not only was the ARRL rebuffed, but it was made clear by the satellite industry that it intends to get both bands and force hams off. As far as we know, this is the first time that another service has been proposed for the two meter amateur band but it probably will not be the last. Most industry analysts believe that these two parcels of spectrum are worth billions in corporate profits if they can be wrestled away from hams. It was only a matter of time before an attack like this was destined to happen. Now that it as taken place, its only a matter of time before other telecommunications industries will launch similar attacks on what they see as being other vulnerable Amateur Radio bands. The July issue of QST magazine will carry an editorial by ARRL Executive Vice President Dave Sumner K1ZZ outlining what he sees as the best strategy in beating back the Low Earth Orbiting Satellite industry attack on these two heavily populated Amateur Radio bands. Newsline has been provided with an advance copy. We urge you to read it and then to follow the instructions that Dave Sumner gives. Keep in mind that a successful takeover of two meters and 70 centimeters by the Low Earth Orbiting Satellite industry will mean an end to Amateur Radio VHF and UHF operations as we know them today. More on this breaking story, next week. (***** ARRL INDICATES UNIVERSAL NO-CODE MAY BE COMING Is the American Radio Relay League starting to prepare the United States ham radio community for codefree access to the high frequency bands? That is the impression left with many hams who heard league President Rod Stafford, KB6ZV speak at an ARRL Forum at the recent Dayton Hamvention. After explaining the way in which the World Radiocommunications Conference and the ARRL has undertaken to study the matter, President Rod Stafford, set the tone of the session when he answered a question with a question: "A lot of people have taken the position that, you know, if we didn't have radio, amateur radio up to May the 19th, 1996. If you were inventing amateur radio today, that you were starting off from scratch. You had to write all the rules and regulations, would you decide to have CW as a requirement for HF operations?" KB6ZU When asked his personal opinion on whether or not the code should remain, President Stafford may have surprised many in the audience: "My personal view is that, if I were starting over with amateur radio today, I probably would probably think it not appropriate to have CW to be as a requirement to get on the HF bands." KB6ZU President Stafford did place one caveat on this position. While he favors codefree access to the High Frequency bands, he also feels that overall testing has to get tougher to insure that the quality of operations will be maintained: "I certainly think that it's appropriate that we make the testing system a little more relevant to what is happening. A little more relevant in regards to the technical requirements, a little more relevant with regard to operating knowledge and so forth. You can only learn so much by studying for your test. A lot of it is operational once you get your license. It seems to me we could do a little bit better job, even in the initial testing process, the initial learning process to get people ready to operate Amateur Radio." KB6ZU Rod Stafford emphasizes that the League is only now beginning its inquiry as to what the ham radio public wants to do regarding the future of the Morse code as an examination requirement for high frequency ham radio operation. He says that the committee he has appointed to study the issues has a lot of work to do in the coming months and years before any official ARRL decisions are made, and input from the ham radio community will be solicited. Those interested in hearing President Staffords' complete comments on the no-code issue are invited to call the Rain Dial Up service at (847) 827-Rain. It will be there through June the 6th. (***** TEEN HAM ARRESTED ON SCANNER CHARGES Christian County Kentucky police have arrested a teenage ham on charges of possessing a piece of ham radio equipment that they say is capable of intercepting police communications. This, even though the radio in question cannot be modified for out of band operation and a state has a law that excludes ham radio operators from the scanner radio ban. This bizarre story started on May 11th when Greg Godsey, KF4BDY, a 16 year old ham from Hopkinsville, Kentucky, was arrested by a local police who charged that the teen was in possession of a scanner that could receive police radio frequencies. But the radio in question is not a scanner. Rather it is a Radio Shack HTX 202 2 meter handheld. A radio that Tandy Corporation says cannot be modified for out of band operation! Complicating this case even further is the arrogance of the local law enforcement and officers of the court handling the case. Reports say that the arresting officers did not bother to check either the radio or a Kentucky law that exempts equipment possessed by a licensed Amateur Radio operator even if it is capable of receiving police frequencies. One officer simply keyed his radio. When he heard noise from Godsey's ham set he arrested the teen age ham and confiscated the HTX 202. At a court appearance on May 14th, the judge assigned to the case refused to listen to an attorney for Godsey who wanted to point out the exemption for ham radio operators. An exemption that holds federally licensed radio amateurs can own and operate scanner radios. In what local hams are calling a power play by a Kentucky court system that opposes the ham radio exemption, the judge bound KF4BDY over for a trial. Greg Godsey, KF4BDY has been a ham for less than a year and is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Christian County, Kentucky. He denies that his HTX 202 has been modified to operate out of band. Experts from Tandy are expected to be in Kentucky to testify on his behalf at the trial. As the ham radio community knows, to this day no other ham has successfully modified a HTX 202 for out of band operation without the attempt causing serious or irreparable harm to the radio set. (***** FCC: NO MORE FREEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Ironically, at about the same time the Largo CBer was being taken into custody, the FCC was issuing a terse reminder to manufacturers and importers of pseudo High Frequency Amateur transceivers. Radios ostensibly marketed for Amateur use, but are in reality intended specifically for the so called Freeband radio operators. These are the renegade CB'ers who routinely operate in the 26 to 28 MHZ frequency range and occasionally wander into the 10 meter ham band. In its May 13 Public Notice, the FCC says that it is a violation of its regulations to import or market a transmitter designed or intended to operate outside the amateur bands. That equipment for non-ham use must be issued a grant of equipment authorization for the radio services it's capable of operating. The notice also emphasizes that transmitters intended for use by FCC authorized radio services except the Amateur Radio Service must be type-accepted before they can be placed on sale. The FCC has long held that it is illegal to import, market or operate a transmitter that requires a grant of equipment authorization but for which no grant has been issued. They say that it is a violation to transmit on frequencies allocated to a licensed radio service without the appropriate Commission issued station license. Violators, say the FCC, will be subject to fines or imprisonment as well as seizure and forfeiture of any equipment in their possession. (***** KV4FZ LOOSES NEW TRIAL APPEAL The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has denied a request for a new trial filed by Herbert L. Schoenbohm, KV4FZ of Christainstead in the United States Virgin Islands. Schoenbohm had asked the court to throw out his fraud conviction based, he said, on new evidence of improper conduct by the government. In dismissing Schoenbohm's petition the court ruled that KV4FZ had not produced any new evidence to persuade the court that government improprieties had taken place. Earlier this year, the FCC ruled that based on his fraud conviction that Schoenbohm no longer holds the minimum requisite requirements to continue to old an Amateur Radio license. Schoenbohm has filed a separate appeal in the hope of reversing that decision so he can stay on the air. (***** CW BOOTLEGGER A Morse Code bootlegger is on the air using the call sign of a deceased ham. KJ7EO reports via packet radio that he has been receiving QSL Cards from station's claiming that they have made CW contacts with Irwin Hubenthal, AB7F. Well KJ7EO happens to be Dale Hubenthal who says that AB7F was his father who passed away three years ago. Dale says that he is sorry to say that the contacts made to AB7F, most on 40 meter cw, were to a bootlegger rather than to his dad who was a truly great ham. (***** Joe Tinnerella Sr., AB5DC - SK Some sad news. Word that a well respected Louisiana ham has been killed in a freak accident. Tony Salvador, N5GPI, reports that Joe Tinnerella Sr., AB5DC, drowned while on a fishing trip. Tinnerella was the Assistant Fire Chief of Kenner, Louisiana and a 30 year veteran of the force. (***** Jerry Freeman, W4JJ, SK Former FCC Norfolk Virginia Engineer In Charge, J. Jerry Freeman, W4JJ, died May 18 in Virginia Beach. Freeman, age 63, was very well known in the Amateur Radio community for his strong stand on rules enforcement. His FCC career spanned 35 years, many of them running the Norfolk, Virginia, Field Office. He retired from the FCC less than year ago in August of 1995. (***** Henry D. Olson, W6GXN, SK And Hank Olson, W6GXN, of Menlo Park, California, died unexpectedly March 9 at age 64. Hank authored articles for QST magazine and was well known in the ham radio community. (***** DX PIRATE ALERT In DX, word that 3V8AS may be a pirate operation. This according to sources in Europe who note that the Leagues's DXCC Desk does not accept 3V8AS cards at the present time. Also, TT8AK may also be a slim. F6FNU says that this station is not legitimate because this Chad call sign has not been re-issued. (***** DX QSL HELP If you want legitimate ham radio DX help look to K4YT/DL4YT. Karl says that he has been assigned to the consulate in Frankfurt since November of 94 and travels to the former UI8 and UJ8 from time to time. He has been helping the hams out there with outgoing QSLs and some in coming. UK9AA uses him as a central collection point. Karl states he is really not his manager, but he or one of his engineers flies to the region each quarter and brings him his cards. (***** GORDO AND CHIP Still with DX, two of then best known DXers say that they are teaming up for an all out fun operation during the ARRL VHF QSO Party. The two say that they will also be getting wet in the process! Radio Schools's Gordon West, WB6NOA and Yaesu USA's Chip Margelli, K7JA will be on the air on June 8th and 9th from the rare water grid squares CM92 and CM93. These two grids are located about 125 miles off the coast of Southern California. CM92 is entirely without any land mass and West says that is what makes it so rare: "Traditionally this grid square has been elusive enough that no one wants to go to it, because there is nothing but water out there. Yet it is close enough that we can easily make contact with southern California. This time Chip Margelli, K7JA and I are hoping to make contact as are north as the bay area. And if the weather cooperates, and we have our traditional June inversion layer, hopefully we will be able to bang a signal up there that will be heard all the way from 6 meters through 10,000 MHZ. If you are a VHF DXer and want a contact with a truly rare, wild and wet locality that may not be on the air again for years, then keep an ear on open for WB6NOA and K7JA during the ARRL VHF QSO party the weekend of June 8th and 9th. (***** And for this week, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. You can write to us at: NEWSLINE P.O.Box 660937 Arcadia, California 91066 For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF at our editors desk, we at Newsline say 73 and thank you for listening. (* * * * Newsline is copyright 1996 * * * * (* All rights reservered. * (* * * * * * * *